Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tanabata Festival

In Japan, Tanabata Matsuri -Festival is one of the oldest and famous festivals. It is celebrated yearly in many regions in Japan. It is said to be the “ Festival to Plead for Skills. “ It also mean “ Evening of the Seventh”

Tanabata was said to be originated 2000 years ago, from the Old Chinese tale known as Kikkoden. Once there was a princess named Oriheme, she was the best weaver during that time. And there is a “ cow herder “ by the name of Hikoboshi also known as Kengyuu both lived in space milky way.

The two fall in love with each other. They were together all the time. Later on , they neglect to do their duties. And because of this Tentei , the father of Oriheme became so mad and angry that he separated the two. The princess Oriheme became so sad that she cried so much and pleads to her father to allow her to see Hikoboshi. Tentai being a father was touch by her daughters' anguish and allow her to see Hikoboshi once a year on the seventh of the month.

This is why Tanabata Matsuri is celebrated on July seventh or August seventh. It is also said that if the rain comes during that day, Orihime and Hikoboshi will not be able to meet each other . The magpies will not be able to come to build the bridge out of their wing because it will become wet. So there will no bridge to cross over the river. If this happens, the two will wait till the next year to meet again.

Customs during Tanabata:

During the celebration of Tanabata, Japanese wear their kimono, yukata. You will find many stalls that sells food and beverages, crafts, paintings,fruits even stalls that promote their products and of live radio coverages of the event. People from different places come over to join this feast. They write their wishes in the " Tanzaku papers " and tie it to the bamboo,
